Saturday, June 21, 2014

Non Violent Activism: Peace Lectures

Nagler presented at the morning lectures for Bet Lahem Live. He discussed the three faces of power:

  1. Threat Power
    Do what I want or I will do something you don't want
  2. Exchange Power
    Give me what I want and I will give you what you want
  3. Integrative Power
    I will be authentic and it will bring us closer

Here is a recording of Nagler's presentation. 

After his presentation, he led a small group of interested participants in a meditative practice for nonviolence that aims to soak words and thoughts of peace, grace, reconciliation, love, and kindness deep into the subconscious.

The talks were attended by unarmed civilian peace keepers. Groups like the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) provide 'protective presence' by living with vulnerable populations and being witness to their struggles. Visit their website to view eyewitness reports. 

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